Alt Data Sources

Real Estate

We provide the most granular property record and list data-sets in the industry. Our real estate data allows you to track apartment availability, monitor expansion, calculate comps, and have a single source of county level property records at your fingertips.

Cannabis & Hemp

Looking for a competitive edge in one of the economies hottest emerging markets? We offer the most granular cannabis & hemp data in the industry. Our data allows you to track menu changes & product availabilities, understand competitor pricing & behavior, and identify key areas for expansion.

Short-term Rentals

If you're in the business of short-term rentals, you need the industry's most accurate data to set you apart. Our data allows you to price competitively, understand booking trends, and stay ahead of the market.

Local Politics

More and more, data is becoming a key player in political campaigns. By using data to target voters and understand what issues matter to them, campaigns can more effectively tailor their messages and improve their chances of winning. Our data can be used to find donors likely to contribute to your campaign, understand competitor behavior, and identify key voter segments.


Having retail data is key to understanding how customers interact with your product, what price points to target, and how to best expand your brand. Our retail data goes down to the store level, allowing you to get a granular understanding of local markets and how to best serve your customers.. Don't miss out on this essential tool for success in the digital economy.

Local Economies

Are you looking to expand your business or better understand market behaviors? If so, hyper-local socio-economic data is key. By understanding when restaurants are being booked, town level demographics, and how common commodities such as gas are priced, you can segment customers along with expand, price, and stock more competitively.

Contact us.

Looking for access to some of the most granular and sophisticated data the industry has to offer? Please reach out to us using the contact form.

Our data can be accessed via API, direct data-lake transfers, or through regular CSV reports.

Don’t see a source you’re looking for? Please let us know and we’ll add it to our backlog!